Great Change, Shifting Energies
This message from your angels helps you with the changes and shifting energies and their effects on you. Read what your angels have to say to you, and the ways they can support you on your path
Angel Message
Exercise your powers of Patience and Acceptance, as you move through these times of great change, and shifting energies.
Even though you may not see or sense it, your dreams are flying forth into manifestation.
Look for the blessing gift in your current situations, for this is a powerful way of dissolving all seeming fear ties you may be experiencing.
Visualize peace.
Day dream peace.
Sing Peace.
Pray Peace.
Speak Peace.
Invite only positive situations and people into your experience.
Turn away all that is not in alignment, including conversations, books, images, social media, movies' and television, for you are keeping yourself in these feelings of being trapped.
It is akin to being in a house of mirrors, where no matter which way you turn, you see yet more distortion of the truth of your beauty.
Gaze instead into your own heart, into nature, feast upon the beauty to be found there.
You are already fully capable.
We are your guides, your guardians, your loving teammates.
Remember your magnificence
Remember you are loved.
Remember you are Love
Your loving angels
(C) Anayah Joi Holilly
🌟 The Angel Code - Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me is a gift of profound love and wisdom from the angels. Are you ready? Available worldwide learn more here
Author The Angel Code - Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me
Cert Angel Intuitive 2003
AI advanced training 2006
Angel Heart Radio Founder 2010
Faithful Scribe for the angels
Voice for the angels
Angel Heart Radio Livestream Presenter
Remember you are love.
(C) Anayah Joi Holilly
*Everything on is under © and not to be copied or reproduced without written consent.
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