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Calm Waters

Helping you to stay and feel calm amidst turmoil is the topic of this message from your angels. It is just beautiful. Your angels guide and support you on your path in beautiful ways 

Angel Message 

Your outer focus is is causing you to feel anxious and fearful dearest one.

Look within, focus within, seek the calm waters that naturally, and effortlessly, flow within, and through you, even as you doubt their existence.

These wisdom-waters are your specific channel, your way forward in all you seek, wish for, do, create, these sacred waters are your guide and guidance.

By spending time within, you will become more and more at peace, more and more at home with your own Divine Nature.

The more you do this, the more you connect.





Go Within

Calm waters are present with in you.

Bathe in these waters.

Float in their loving embrace.

You are already fully capable.

We are your guides, your guardians, your loving teammates.

Remember your magnificence

Remember you are loved.

Remember you are Love

Your loving angels

The Angel Code - Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me is a gift of profound love and wisdom from the angels. Are you ready? Available worldwide and here

  • Author The Angel Code - Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me

  • Cert Angel Intuitive 2003

  • AI advanced training 2006

  • Angel Heart Radio Founder 2010

  • Faithful Scribe for the angels

  • Voice for the angels

  • Angel Heart Radio Livestream Presenter

Remember you are love.

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