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Feeling Safe and Secure

Your angels have sent this message to help you through when you're feeling uncertain, alone, and not sure how to proceed. Read what your angels have to say to you, and the ways they can support you on your path

Angels' Message

3 lovingly powerful archangels are here with you with a message for you right now.

*Archangel Haniel is with you to help you with balance, grace, harmony and to help soothe and smooth the emotional turmoil you are/have been experiencing.

Trust in and lean into her loving and gentle embrace.

Haniel asks you to take heart, as you are already doing what you came to do, and she is here to reassure you that you are not 'getting it all wrong' - even though the so called 'evidence' would suggest otherwise.

Haniel sees the bigger picture, that right now, you may feel blind to, and there are blessings in everything you are learning.

*Archangel Michael helps you to remember, and to embody the truth and gifts of who you truly are, and your power to release toxins in all their forms.

He can help you to feel safe and secure, and to assist you in releasing energetic attachment, or cords, to painful situations, events, behaviours, responses, people, actions and expectations, no matter when they may have occurred.

All love remains, always, and can never be lost as the attachments are released.

*Archangel Raguel is assisting you in each of your relationships - no matter their duration.

Even a few seconds counts as a relationship as the vibrational 'ties' go far beyond your perception of time and space, and much deeper than you may think.

Where you see time-lines, Raguel sees energy connections - and beyond

Raguel also offers to mediate disputes, misunderstandings, stalemates, and to help you recognise the reoccurring patterns that are keeping your focus on blame and recriminations. It is time to let them all go. The rewards will far outweigh the seeming 'compromises' that have been helping to keep you stuck and in a victim holding-pattern.

Invite this wonderful team to guide your thoughts emotions, steps and actions to truly experience the peace you so crave and desire, but so far have found difficult to achieve, maintain, or accept.

A simple invitation of ”please help me to see, and to let go of past and present issues Archangels' Haniel, Michael and Raguel. Thank you" is all you need to say, write or even sing it.

This is your healing path, you are already well established on it. You are already fully capable, and constantly supported.

Archangels Handel, Michael and Raguel say to you; “We are your guides, your guardians, your loving teammates. We are with you, guiding, loving and supporting you, and it is our profound joy. We thank you”

Remember your magnificence

Remember you are loved.

Remember you are Love

Your loving angels

©Anayah Joi Holilly

The Angel Code - Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me

is available worldwide. Learn more here or search in any search engine

✨The Angel Code - Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me published 202

✨Cert Angel Intuitive 2003

✨Advanced training 2006

✨AngelLight777 2007

✨Angel Heart Radio Founder 2010

✨Voice for the angels

✨Angel Heart Radio Livestream Presenter

You are loved.

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Featured with written permission

*Everything on is under © and not to be copied or reproduced without written consent.

Your respect is valued and appreciated xo

Keep your good vibe flowing!


Inspiration from the angels in from The Angel Code Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me
Inspiration from The Angel Code Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me

Your Instant Access links!

The Archangel Series -

16 Archangels in a unique Archangel Experience


The Ascended Masters Series -

10 Ascended Masters are waiting to connect with you



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