When You Feel Alone...
Your angels have these truly beautiful words of comfort and support for you. Each and every word is encoded with their loving energy, and also with a signature particular to you. It's a true privilege to bring it forward for you.
Angel Message
When you fee alone, we are with you.
When you feel joy, we are with you.
When you're feeling angry, we are with you.
When you feel cut-off, we are with you.
When you feel isolated, we are with you.
When you feel pain, we are with you.
When you feel you can't go on, we are with you.
When you feel so happy you might burst, we are with you.
When you feel tenderness, we are with you.
When you don't know which way to turn, we are with you.
We are never apart from you.
We are always embracing you in our love.
We are your constant companions.
No matter what may be occurring on the outer, we are deep rivers of love, compassion, tenderness, and joy.
We tickle your funny-bone, we help you to get up when you've fallen down.
We see into your very being.
We see your loving light.
We embrace you through your darkest nights.
We know your heart.
We whisper comfort, we shout Stop!
We guide you, and we open channels for you to enter if you so wish.
Every choice is valid.
You are always loved, nurtured and supported.
You are always on the 'right path' for your journey.
Each and every step of each and every path is purposeful, has meaning, and opens you up to more...
You are safe.
Trust, our dearest Dear... Trust.
Remember your magnificence
Remember you are loved.
Remember you are Love
Your loving angels xo
© Anayah Joy Holilly All rights reserved
💗 A beautiful message from The Angel Code Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me angels for you
The Angel Code - Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me - a gift of profound love and wisdom from the angels. Available worldwide, and here
✨ The Angel Code - Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me 2020
✨Cert Angel Intuitive 2003
✨AI advanced training 2006
✨AngelLight777 2007
✨Angel Heart Radio Founder 2010
✨Scribe for the angels
✨Voice for the angels
✨Angel Heart Radio Livestream Presenter
Remember you are love 💞
*Everything on AngelLight777.com is under © and not to be copied or reproduced without written consent.
Your respect is valued and appreciated xo
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Notes of love and support from your guardian angels
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16 Archangels in a unique Archangel Experience
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10 Ascended Masters are waiting to connect with you
Read more Angel Messages