Ancient Echos, Present Moments
The Angels Message:
To choose to stand still in the midst of seeming chaos is a choice only you can make, is a choice that will bring you great peace, and a deeper sense of connection.
We realise and understand this may be a very difficult choice for you to make at times, as the illusion can be so strong, and so powerful, and so convincing…
We are here to assure you, to reassure you that it is an illusion nonetheless, that you are loved and safe, that you are never ever alone, not even for an instant, that there is a divine plan that you yourself are fully aware of on a soul level, and that everything you’re experiencing is part of the reason why you chose to incarnate at this particular time, and under these particular circumstances.
Trust your souls voice to sing you forward, trust your souls intelligence to lead you fearlessly onward along the path of Light.
Trust yourself to make the choices and decisions that best serve you, and the greater good.
You are indeed capable, you are indeed ready, you are indeed magnificent.
You have the capacity and capability to express your souls purpose for being where you are, and to help uplift humanity in ways that may seem difficult or even impossible to you on a human level, but are perfectly possible, and astoundingly simple in the end.
Radiate your Light, trust yourself, love yourself, live with kindness, compassion and purpose, and allow the illusions to dissolve, as dissolve they will.
Remember you are loved.
Remember your magnificence.
Remember you are loved.
Remember you are love.
Your loving angels xo
©Anayah Joi Holilly
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🤩 Photo by Julie Finter © and is featured with Julie’s written permission. Featuring the gorgeous Lily 🐾 💜
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