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Have you ever wished you could decode, interpret, & understand what the angels are telling you via the numbers, & number patterns you see?


Here, you will  learn to read the angel numbers & messages,

easily for yourself, anywhere, any time, & with practice, will become second nature for you to automatically decode any numbers & interpret the messages the angels are bringing you.


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The AngelLight777 angel number meanings are not a

copy-&-paste from other sites or copied from anywhere else.


They are all channeled from the angels, fresh & new, for you.



The more you see the same number repeated in short periods of time,

the stronger the message, & the more you are being

called to pay attention. 


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Numbers & Number Combinations:

Jump to Single-digit numbers


 The significance of Double Numbers:

When you see double numbers the angels are sending you messages with

double importance/relevance of single number meanings.

All repetitive numbers or number sequences, single, double, triple or in combination 

contain information to help & support you.

(22, 00, 99, 77. 55 etc)

With this in mind, use the single number meanings to decode your messages below


Jump to Tripple Numbers


Jump to Doubles separated by a 0



Jump to Number Combination such as:

242,  561  842  295  82  127


Jump to the most asked about Triple Numbers:


111  444  555 666 777  999


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Single Angel Number Meanings





God/Creator/Divine Wisdom is speaking to you in the language of the unending circle of Divine Love, Nurture & support.


0 represents the continuous flow of love & guidance which is always

flowing to you from Divine Creator, inviting you to step into

the continuous stream of love that has no beginning, & no end,

to swim as the fish through the waters of your life.



You are unconditionally loved & supported.


The Universe is speaking to you in the language of Love, Support, Harmony, & Unconditional Love. By focusing your attention & speaking your own language of love, you will be more in tune, & experience less dis-harmony in your daily life. Be willing to take the journey, be willing to have patience with yourself & with others.



*Please note:

God = Creator/Unconditional Love/Divine Wisdom/The Universe,

 or any name, or word you choose xo 



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SIngle Digit Numbers



Symbolizes the power of your thoughts, and the

importance for you to be present to them.


You are being alerted to the importance of your focus.


Where is yours?


Each number, or group of numbers, carries a particular frequency, and 1 is a message to you to focus on your

thoughts and attention on anything and everything that lifts your spirits and brings joy to your heart.


What is it you do want to experience?


Has your focus been on what you don’t want,

or are afraid of what might happen?


1 serves as an important reminder of your ability to

allow, to flow, or to block.


Don't worry, it happens to everyone at times.

Simply refocus - that's it.


Notice where your thoughts are taking you,

and remember, you have the power of choice.


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You are being encouraged to nurture your faith,

& the power of possibility! 


It is very important for you to focus on faith right now

on the power of Divine Solutions and love unfolding

- regardless of seeming appearances. 


You are being urged to focus within, on the truth of the God of your understanding's love, of the unlimited Universal, unconditional love for you, and to remember that your faith is a two-way street: it is God's gift to you, and it is also your gift to yourself, so gift faith, love, and joy to yourself lavishly.



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Readings with the angels and Anayah  Joi Holilly




You have many wise teachers in the form of loving Ascended Masters such as Jesus, Mother Mary,

Saint Germain, Kwan Yin, St Francis, and many others, known,

& unknown to you, supporting you at this time.


These wonderful teachers  bring the wealth of knowledge, wisdom, and compassion they gained during their own

earthly experiences to support & encourage you.


They totally 'get' you.


Wonderful teachers, they have an enhanced perspective learned through their own earthy lives and experiences to

share with you now, to help you in all areas of your life & they would love the chance to help you -

all you need to do is ask, and be open to their support.



They understand much more than you may realise, &

are on hand to advise, teach & offer you their wisdom & support.




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4 represents the angels' continuous presence in

your life, they are by your side & in your heart,

so pay attention when 4’s

present in your awareness. Invite them in,

ask for their assistance, ask them to show up for you

in ways you will easily understand & relate to.


The angels are speaking to you in their language

of love, compassion, guidance & support.


The angel's number, 4 reminds you that you are never

without your ever-present angels unconditional

love, support & nurture.


They are all freely waiting for you, they are all yours

for the asking.


You are more loved, more cherished, & much

more deeply supported by your loving angels

than you will ever comprehend while in physical form.


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The Angel Code Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me book by Anayah Joi Holilly



Powerful vibrations of change and transformation are at work!


When 5’s show themselves to you they are being sent to reminding

you nothing is stagnant & that everything is possible.


If you are feeling stuck, remember 5’s are reminding you that

change is constant, & you have the energetic ability to flow with it,

and into it, & that you need not fear changes as they occur in

your life, attitude, circumstances, relationships, work, etc.


Change only feels scary when we are unwilling to embrace it,

so, please pay attention to what other numbers show up with 5

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The vibration of 6 is reminding you or helping you see that your attention is focused on the 3D illusion of earthly-based matters, solutions & outcomes. By raising your focus, your attention, &

your intentions, you also raise your vibrational frequency, 

which will benefit you in amazing ways.


6 is encouraging you to lift your awareness toward the beauty, peace,& harmony of spiritual laws, matters, solutions, & results.


Allow the seemingly human & mundane with all its earth-based

limitations, to transform, allowing & inviting expanded possibilities,  for greater joy, peace, harmony, & divine expansion.



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The angels are cheering you on!


You have the power to choose your direction/path with more conscious intention, with purpose, passion, & focused attention

than ever before. Your Path is open & expanding before you.


Stay in joy, let go of the 'how',& focus on Service.


7 represents your Purpose-Path, your Life Purpose Path, &

your soul's calling to fulfil your Divine Purpose for choosing

to live this particular life experience at this time.


Your opportunities to fulfil your purpose, your spiritual reasons

for being in this life at this time are many & varied.


There is no 'one path' you must follow to experience that sense of

completion, just as there is not one path streams and rivers

follow back to the sea. They always find their way home.


7 serves as a reminder that you have come into this life fully equipped, and prepared (even though you may not feel this to be true, it is) you are truly able to live your spiritual life’s purpose,

& you will have many opportunities to do so.


There are many, many ways for you to experience your purpose, passion and reason for being on earth at this time. Trust that.



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 Representing eternal prosperity, abundance, &

the natural order of flow, & divine abundance for all.


8 presents itself to you as a reminder to think outside the box,

& experience all the wealth of your divinity.


Abundance exists in every moment, it exists in your breath, it exists

in your heartbeat, it exists in the warmth of your skin.


Open your awareness to abundance, give thanks for

every single thing, for every moment, & shift your awareness

that the micro, or ‘little, ‘ is also the ‘mega'



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AngelLight777 Angel Messages




You have the opportunity for the completion of a life/experience cycle, or multiple cycles, which you may be experiencing as a single, very intense, or even dramatic, life cycle.


Just as a single book has a final page to the story,

but that single book is not the library, 9 reminds & encourages

you to release the completed, to give thanks for all you’ve learned & gained, & to be open to the new as it unfolds & presents to you.


Being willing to begin a new chapter in gratitude for everything you

have learned & experienced will help you enter your next cycle

more fully prepared & aware.

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Couples communicating The Angel Code Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me

Tripple Numbers - Powerful Messages



111 presents itself to you to symbolize the power of your thoughts,

and the importance for you to be present to

them, and how they are guiding and supporting you.


Fear or peace?


'What if's, or gratitude? 


Your mind is powerful and beautiful, and you do have the

capacity to channel or direct its energy and focus.


You are being alerted to the importance of your focus, and your

power to create positive change for yourself by placing your

attention on peace, harmony, gratitude and divine guidance.


Let go of the how, the when and the worry, and allow.


You have the power of choice, what are you choosing?


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You are being called on to keep your focus on faith, hope, peace,

and the beauty of divinity regardless of seeming appearances.


You are being urged to focus within, on the truth of the God of your understanding, of the Universal, unconditional love that exists for you


Your faith is a two-way street: it is God‘s gift to you.

 It is also your gift to yourself.


The more you breathe your love and gratitude into your faith,

the more you will feel at peace - no matter what outside appearances may be suggesting right now.


Allow your faith will guide you ever onward, even if you feel it

is not strong enough, it is.

Allow it to lead you step-by-tiny step into grace,

which is your natural state of being after all.


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You have the support of many Ascended Masters, who love and value

you, and want to assist you in your life, and on your path.


Jesus, Saint Germain, Kwan Yin, Kuan Ti, Mother Mary

along with many others, bring the knowledge, wisdom, strategies,

and compassion they themselves gained during their own earthly

experiences, and are here to support you.


They totally 'get' you, and all you are facing.


Remember, they have an enhanced perspective, as they too

learned many lessons during their own earthly lives, so ask them

to help you, and then be open to their Divine Love

as they guide and support you.


They present the information contained within the vibration of

333  to you with a reminder to call upon them and ask

for their help in some way.


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You are more loved, more cherished, and much more deeply supported by your loving angels than you realise.


The angels are with you, always  flooding you with their love,

light and support - no matter what.


444 is a powerful reminder to connect with your angels' love,

support and their unending flow of Divine Love and Light.


They remind you that they need your invitation to work

with you and on your behalf, as your right to choose is sacred.


You have the power to step outside any seeming boundaries

and reach out to them, to ask for their loving assistance, guidance and support. This too is a sacred covenant.


The angels love is far greater than we can comprehend

with our minds. It is a heart experience, a deeper channel

of unconditional love than any we can imagine, for nothing like it exists on the human plane.


Your angels are faithfully standing by, waiting to be invited

into your life, your heart, and all your experiences.


They have far more to offer you than you are currently experiencing, expecting, or noticing. 

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The Angel Code Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me




555 is the vibration of major change and transformation,

change & transition, all of which are in harmony with your

souls' agreement, contracts & for your greater growth.


555 is presented to you to remind you nothing is

stagnant, energy is always flowing, and that absolutely

everything is possible.


If you’re feeling stuck, visualize flow, grace and harmony flowing

within you and around you to help facilitate the changes

you are ready for, seeking or visualising. 


Remember 5’s are reminding you that change is constant, you

have the energetic ability to flow with it, and into it.

There is nothing to fear, you need not fear them, nor your ability to harmonize with these changes.

You are far more prepared, supported and ready than you realise.


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The vibration of 666 is presented to you as a loving reminder

to shift your awareness from the weight of earthly concerns & problems, from all that has been weighing you down in fear.


By elevating your focus & awareness to spiritually based laws,

principles, gratitude, solutions, & outcomes, you allow & harmonise

with the elevated flow & expand your capacity to receive.


You are being called to turn your awareness toward the power &

grace of beauty, peace, gratitude and harmony. This will help you to allow the seemingly human & mundane, with all its limiting parameters, to shift, to open into greater possibilities for you, your loved ones, events & situations.



This will elevate your experiences and outlook for greater joy, peace, harmony and divine expansion, and help the shift that moves you into harmonious 5th Dimensional frequencies of love & compassion. It is time, & your angels are with you to assist you.

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The choices you have been making are placing you firmly & joyfully on your Purpose- Path.


You have expanded your awareness, attention to detail, willingness & opportunities for personal & spiritual growth, which naturally lead you to love-in-action, purpose fulfilment, self-love, & compassion,

in many beautiful & responsible ways.


Remain in joy, continue to let go of the 'how', & keep your focus

attuned to Service. Your opportunities to fulfil your purpose, &

your spiritual reasons for incarnating at this precise

time are many & varied.


Remember, there is no 'one path' to living your Divine Purpose.


777 serves as a reminder that you have come into this life experience fully equipped, & there are many ways for you to experience & express your purpose.


You are shining brightly!

This will elevate your experiences and outlook for greater joy, peace, harmony and divine expansion, and help the shift that moves you into harmonious 5th Dimensional frequencies of love & compassion. It is time, & your angels are with you to assist you.

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 You are in a beautiful time of prosperity, abundance and flow.


the strength and depth of 888 manifesting in your outer life is a clear sign

to you to think outside the box, and to experience all the wealth of your divinity

as it manifests here on planet earth, through you.


Abundance exists in every moment, it exists in your breath, it exists in your

heartbeat, it exists in the warmth of your skin, and you are being urged to

experience the magnificence of the abundant opportunities being present

to you at this time.


Remember, look beyond the seemingly obvious, and into the depth

 Divine Abundance.


Open your awareness, give abundant thanks for every single thing, for every moment, and shift your awareness that the ‘little ‘is also the ‘mega’

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The 999 Completion Energies of 2020 - 2027 are extremely powerful,

representing major dynamic personal and global shifts in consciousness,

awareness and ascension, unlike anything, experienced any other at any

time since the Creation of mankind. 

You are not only experiencing these shifts personally,

you are also supporting and facilitating them globally.


 Just as a single book has a final page to the story, but that single book is not the library, each complexation-cycle reminds you to undertake, and to experience, each step, each phase, and each and every part of your journey in gratitude, so you will move through it and move

forward freely, into release and freedom.


You are being strongly encouraged to give thanks for all you’ve

learned and gained, all your experience-teachers,

and be open to the new as it unfolds and presents to you.


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God is speaking to you in the language of the

unending circle of Divine Love.


0 represents the continuous flow of love and guidance that is

always flowing to you from your Divine Creator, inviting you to step

into the continuous stream of love that has no beginning, and no end.


000 is this same, important message, only supercharged!


The 000 message comes to you as a HUGE encouragement,

as a major influx of love and support, to remind you of just how valuable, important, and necessary you, and your presence is, how needed, and the massive difference you make to the whole world.  


You are unconditionally loved and supported.


The Universe is speaking to you, are you paying attention?

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Number combinations

Number Combinations & How to Interpret Them

Numbers that show up in combinations contain a lot of information. For example, let's say you'd like to decode

numbers such as 242, 561, 065, 842, 293, 127, etc. 


Combine each number from the Single Number chart above,

which then gives you the meaning of your number combination,

and you'll have the complete message the angels are giving you.


Notice patterns, reoccurring numbers, and those numbers

that just seem to 'jump' out at you.


The more you do this, the easier it becomes, until it's second nature.


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Number Combinations Examples Decoded:






The more you choose to keep your focus centred on faith

- regardless of seeming appearances -

the more you will see and experience a

lessening of fear, and hidden truth/s will be revealed to you. 



Your focus is currently earth-based and needs elevation.

The angels' love for you is unconditional and never-ending.

Nothing can ever compromise that. Call on their love and support

to assist you to elevate your focus and your mood.

It's a surefire way to help boost your focus and energy!


The more you lift your awareness toward spiritual principles,

solutions, and opportunities, the more your experiences and outlook

generate greater joy and harmony.



A 'double whammy of the '2' energy! By keeping your focus on

faith right now -regardless of seeming appearances -on the truth

of the God of your understandings universal, unconditional love for you,

 the sooner and clearer your experience of lessening fear,

greater harmony and truth/s are revealed to you more fully.


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Powerful change and transformation are at work! You are being

reminded nothing is stagnant, everything is possible, and you have the energetic ability to flow with it, and into it.

See how it works? It's beautiful, isn't it?

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0 represents the continuous flow of love and guidance that is always flowing to you from your Divine Creator and invites you to step into the continuous stream of love that has no beginning, and no end, to swim as the fish through the waters of your life.



6 is encouraging you to lift your awareness toward the beauty, peace, and harmony of spiritual laws, matters, solutions,

and results. and allow the seemingly human and mundane

with all its earth-based limitations, to transform, allowing

and inviting expanded possibilities



Powerful change and transformation are at work! You are being reminded nothing is stagnant, everything is possible, and you have the energetic ability to flow with it, and into it.

See how it works?


It's beautiful, isn't it!


The more you practice, the easier and more natural it becomes.

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Abundance exists in every moment, it exists in your breath, it exists in your heartbeat, it exists in the warmth of your skin, and you are being urged to experience the magnificence of the abundant opportunities being present to you at this time.




The angels' continuous presence by

your side and in your heart, so pay attention when 4’s present in your awareness with a reminder that you do need to invite them in, to ask for their assistance.





Keep the faith, regardless of seeming appearances.


You are being urged to focus within, on the truth of God's unconditional love for you, and the universal support that exists

for you in each and every moment - regardless of appearances!​

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By keeping your focus on faith right now, regardless of seeming appearances, on the truth of the God of your understanding, Universal, unconditional love for you, you will

see soon see and experience a lessening of fear, and

the truth of each moment will be revealed to you. 


9 reminds and encourages you to release the completed, to give thanks for all you’ve learned and gained, and be open to the new

as it unfolds and presents to you.




Being willing to begin a new chapter in gratitude for everything you have learned and experienced will help you enter your next cycle

more fully prepared and aware.



The love, knowledge, wisdom, and compassion the

Ascended Masters gained during their own earthly experiences are always available for you, to assist you and support you, all you need do is ask them for assistance,

then, be open to their support, for they are guiding you now.


They understand much more than you may realize, and

are on hand to advise, teach and enlighten, and support you.



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You are being encouraged to keep faith in yourself and your abilities, and how you are experiencing the manifestation

of your Divine Light.


Have faith in YOURSELF



Your Divine Path and Purpose are a sacred contract that

you yourself helped to design and specify.


You are fully equipped and ready to experience it and to

express it in this, your current life experience. 

Expect Divine Solutions and love to continually unfold,

regardless of seeming appearances.



You are being alerted to the importance of your focus, and the power you already have to direct its flow and focus.


The more you realize where you are placing your focus, the easier it becomes for you to choose to place your attention on you what you do wish to experience and enjoy,

instead of what you don’t want, or are fretting over.


1 also serves as an important reminder of your ability

to allow, or to block.


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Double Numbers Serapated By A 0

When reoccurring numbers show up as doubles, but with 0 in the middle, this represents God is speaking to you in a powerful way about a particular event or situation, especially when they show up in repeating patterns. Again, simply look at the numbers above to understand your message much more fully. 




Focus your thoughts as they wander off your true nature and intentions, God is speaking to you, please be aware of your thoughts, and what it is you truly desire: in other words what it is you do want, instead of what you do not want.





Keep the faith, regardless of seeming occurrences. The more you focus on your faith, the greater the outcome. God is speaking to you, helping you in all areas of your life, your faith, and offering you unconditional comfort.





Ascended masters are with you supporting you through this time, bringing you their love, support, and comfort. God is speaking to you, as are many ascended masters. If one in particular springs to mind, pay attention. You are encouraged to allow their love and support to guide and comfort you.





Angels are your constant companions! They are always loving you, supporting you, lifting you, and waiting for you to invite them into your life. Have you asked them to assist you?  God is speaking to you, and sending additional, specialized angels to your side.





Major changes are occurring for you, and you are not alone, God is speaking to you throughout these changes, feel this unconditional love for you in the stillness, and be willing to see a new or different perspective. Nothing is impossible in the eyes of God.



Keep your focus on your spiritual truth, your inner spiritual knowledge, and or wisdom - even if you don't believe you have any. Focus more on spiritual aspects, solutions, and outcomes. God is speaking to you to help you with this time.





Yes, you are on the right path. God is supporting you on your path, speaking with you, and helping you with each and every step. You are fully supported along your path/purpose, in all aspects, and at every turn.





Abundance is yours, in all its many, glorious forms. God is speaking to you to remind you of this and to support you with all of your needs. Are you truly open to the many forms of abundance and prosperity present themselves to you in your daily life?





You are completing a major life cycle, increasingly, several life lessons simultaneously. If this is the case for you, you likely feel a little overwhelmed at times. God is speaking to you supporting you as you learn as much as you can to assist you in the completion.


Being willing to begin a new chapter in gratitude for everything

you have learned and experienced will help you enter your next

cycle more fully prepared, aware and the transition from this cycle and your next

will be much easier, and you will gain a deeper wealth of experience and knowledge.

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Numbers Seperated by 0


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Amy - USA

"The Angel Code: Journey Into the Words Whispered to Me has become a favourite window seat read, a place to return when I feel a little lost, a little disconnected, a little in need of wisdom and a dose of joy."

Amy's review of The Angel Code Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me Amy's Reader review of The Angel Code Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me

Bel - AU

"I have been using The Angel Code, Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me like oracle cards, and opening to where I feel drawn. It’s beautiful!"

Belinda's review of The Angel Code Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me

Vicki - AU

"The Angel Code Journey is a timeless treasure! t’s something that can be picked up and turned to any page at any given time and deliver results from the angels

Vicki's review of The Angel Code Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me

Bel -UK

"This book is just awesomely amazing. The angels are truly truly here now to help and guide us through these times, towards a world of love, peace and ultimate togetherness as human beings. Of that I have no doubt."

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Shelia - USA

"An uplifting book filled with the wisdom and love of the angelic realm.

I can feel the high vibrations of love and patience our dear guardian angels have for us. Thank you Anayah, It is much needed at this time"

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© 2007 -2025 Anayah Joi Holilly all rights reserved


I acknowledge the Quandamooka people, who are the Traditional Custodians of the land I live and work upon, and  recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and community. I acknowledge the import role all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people play in protecting, conserving and sustaining Country. I pay my respects to Elders past, present and emerging.  

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