Mother Natures Angel
Call on Archangel Ariel anytime you are in nature, or if you wish to help Mother Nature in any way.
Fairies and the elementals are also assisted by Archangel Ariel.
Colour: Pale pink
Crystal: Rose Quartz
Astrological Sign:Aries
All the archangels and angels in all their 'orders' are non-denominational, they are dedicated to helping each and every
one of us experience and express more peace,
love, and harmony, and to helping us all discover
more personal freedom through their love and support.
By understanding the meaning of the Archangels names,
we can quickly learn about their functions and some of
the many ways they can assist us if we ask for their help.
16 archangels wonderful Archangels stepped forward and encouraged me to create The Archangel Series, and what a joy it was to bring you 16 of the Archangels, in a fresh, unique archangel experience! Your Instant Acess to the entire series is here

Instant Access Links below!
the archangel Ariel
Ariel's name means - "lion or lioness from God"
Ariel is probably one of your guardian angels if you have
an unquenchable desire to help and nurture mother nature and or animals,
and if you find yourself naturally being drawn to their aid and assistance.
*Often, Ariel connects with people who have a natural affinity with nature, and with the Fairy realm.

Archangel Azrael's name means - "whom God helps"
The great comforter, Azrael escorts newly crossed-over souls,
and helps comfort the grieving.
*Call on Azrael to assist and guide if you are a counsellor, or help people
come to terms with grief, with grief, loss and feelings of being alone or 'cut off'.

Archangel Chamuel -
Chamules name means - "he who sees God"
The angel of peace in all its forms, Chamuel will help you discover
all you may need to assist and support you if you feel called to be an agent of peace.
* Chamuel is an awesome support if you seem to have 'lost' something!
Simply ask "Archangel Chamuel (think sham-you-elle) thank you for
revealing the whereabouts of ..... to me. Thank you"

Archangel Gabriel
Gabriel's name means - " God is my strength"
Gabriel is the messenger angel. Call on her if you have messages of
peace you wish to share with the world.
*Gabriel is noted as a brilliant supporter for writers; for inspired ideas, how to express them,
creating the time to write, drawing the right publisher, or indeed whether self-publishing may the
be most suited to your work, in fact, everything, and anything to do with your passion for writing!

Archangel Haniel's name means - "grace of God"
Haniel will help you discover, tap into, and enhance your own signature spiritual gifts,
superchare your writing and communication, and help you to believe in your strength
and abilities more fully.
*Stand under the moon in any of its phases, look up, close your eyes, and call on
Haniel to bathe you in her love, the moons energy to replenish yours and help you to
connect with the feminine aspects of your nature.
This is important balancing for every person.

Archangel Jeremiel -
Jermiel's name means - "mercy of God"
Jeremiel is known as 'the life review' angel and will help you
make new choices about how you wish to live, he will also help you to step out of the blame game cycle!
Invite Jeremiel to help you if you are feeling resistance to 'facing up' to aspects of your life or behavious that you feel you are ready to move on from. He will lovingly assist you to release without judgment or self-criticism.

Archangel Jophiel -
Johpiels name means - "beauty of God"
Jophiel is also known as the 'Feng Shui' angels.
Call on Johpiel to assist you to see the beauty within yourself, and in others.
Call on Jophiel to assist you with your projects, the placement of objects, and when decorating.
She has a fantastic eye for colour!

Archangel Michael - Michael's name means - "he who is like God"
Michael is a powerful protector and the guardian angel of planet earth. Michael
helps us real-use our protection comes from our inner connection with our divine nature’s, and our
Creator who loves and values us unconditionally.
Michael also seeks to inspire us to release toxic energy and thoughts, which lead to toxic and fear based behaviours.
Call on Archangel Michael to inspire only confidence and positive intentions!

Archangel Nathaniel -"The Lightworkers angel"
Nathaniel showed himself to me as an (of course) very loving Archangel who gives us firm push to help
us to move ourselves out of our old ways, thoughts, attitudes and behaviours.
He helps us take positive actions steps to help us shift into a higher gear for our life purpose.
Not a lot has been written about Nathaniel as yet.

Archangel Raguel -
Raguel's name means - "friend of God"
Raguel helps with resolving all arguments, misunderstandings, or disputes, and help you let go of controlling the
outcomes you are hoping for to allow for higher, more balanced outcomes for all parties involved.
Things will flow much more smoothly when you are working the Raguel!

Archangel Raziel -
Raziel's name means - "secret of God"
Raziel knows all the secrets of the Universe and how everything operates, and one of his major functions is to help
you become more aware of and tap into your own inner source of knowledge and wisdom.
Call on Archangel Raziel for information of any kind.
He is with you right now. Ask!

Archangel Zadkiel -
Zadkiel's name means - "the righteousness of God"
Zadkiel will help you find peace in your mind, and to calm troubled thoughts, and help you release those thoughts that run round and round in your mind.
Zadkiel is also wonderful to call on to assist you to recall information, and to help you to recall all that information
you learned in preparation for exam's.
Resources: My conversations with the archangels which led to the creation of the unique runaway hit THE ARCHANGEL SERIES
(16) one-hour Special Edition Instant Access in-depth programs dedicated to each of these beautiful helpful, nurturing archangels who love nothing more than to support us on our chosen paths as peaceful Lightworkers.
*Some information from Archangels and Ascended Masters:
A Guide to Working and Healing with Divinities and Deities by Doreen Virtue

Amy - USA
"The Angel Code: Journey Into the Words Whispered to Me has become a favourite window seat read, a place to return when I feel a little lost, a little disconnected, a little in need of wisdom and a dose of joy."

Bel - AU
"I have been using The Angel Code, Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me like oracle cards, and opening to where I feel drawn. It’s beautiful!"

Vicki - AU
"The Angel Code Journey is a timeless treasure! t’s something that can be picked up and turned to any page at any given time and deliver results from the angels"

Bel -UK
"This book is just awesomely amazing. The angels are truly truly here now to help and guide us through these times, towards a world of love, peace and ultimate togetherness as human beings. Of that I have no doubt."

*representative picture
Shelia - USA
"An uplifting book filled with the wisdom and love of the angelic realm.
I can feel the high vibrations of love and patience our dear guardian angels have for us. Thank you Anayah, It is much needed at this time"