You Are a Miracle in Action
Each & every one of us is a miracle in action, with the power to share love, kindness, joy & compassion
with others, & most importantly with ourselves. When we fill ourselves up with love, kindness, joy & compassion our capacity to remember that we are indeed miracles expands & in turn, touches other lives.
“ Dear angels, thank you. Thank you for helping me remember my magnificence“
Remember your magnificence!
#angellight777 #AngelHeartRadio #theangelcodejourney
There Really Is Another Way Forward
I’ll bet you’ve experienced times in your life where you’re not quite sure how to proceed,
or when things look like they’re going down a certain path & you really don’t want to go there,
or you simply can not see another way forward, other than the path you seem to be on.
I’ve recently experienced all of these myself, & it’s been so comforting, & ultimately so wonderful,
relying on the angels - especially during times of heightened fear – talking with them,
& being guided as they’ve shown me that there are different paths available to me that I had
no idea even existed. Please trust in the angels, rely on them, & make sure you talk
everything over with them, & ask for the way forward to be shown to you.
“Dear angels, thank you. Thank you for showing me there is another way forward“
Remember your magnificence!
#angellight777 #AngelHeartRadio #theangelcodejourney
Dear Angels...
These are little prayers to the angels, brimming with gratitude for all the love & support they bring to our lives, to help you shift even the most persistent fears, behaviours & self-doubts, all packed with the angels' love, tenderness & support to help you on your path & give you a boost right when you need it most. Anayah xx
#angellight777 #AngelHeartRadio #theangelcodejourney
Everything is Going to Be Okay
There are times when we all need some reassurance, & a friendly face & a warm heart go a long way to helping us feel more safe & secure. Hold on to those moments, & remember the power of our attention, & intention directs & contributes to our energy flow. Trust there is a greater plan in flow, there is a more powerful plan in action than we may realise. Keep the faith, everything is going to be okay…no matter how much the illusion of events as they appear on the outside beckon us to believe otherwise
Unconditional Love
Experiencing extremely difficult or painful circumstances can affect us in so many ways, both seen, & unseen, & can instil feelings of helplessness & hopelessness, leaving us unsure of how to proceed, what to do, or what not do.
Thank heavens the angels are always with us.
They never give up on us, they light the way, instil hope, & reveal opportunities & solutions in so many ways, some obvious, while others can be very subtle.
Even when it all feels tough, keep going, keep talking with your angels, keep your gratitude for their assistance as bright as you can, keep asking for them to reveal your steps forward.
They are amazing, loving, gracious and divinely unconditionally loving beings, who just adore helping us.
“Dear angels, thank you. Thank you for never giving up on me“
#angellight777 #AngelHeartRadio #theangelcodejourney
Keeping Calm
Staying calm when we are triggered, upset, angry, sad, or when we really, really want a situation or event to unfold in a certain way, or peace to be restored, can feel extremely challenging, especially when it involves those we love. I’ve learned a lot about this in my life, & it has revealed an inner strength I didn’t know I had. The willingness to work with the angels on this has been a great balm to my heart & soul. May it be for yours, also.
#angellight777 #AngelHeartRadio #theangelcodejourney
The Courage to Move Forward
Our souls' journeys and contracts can be a mystery to us.
Call on the angels to give you a boost, to help you through the tough times, to show you the way forward.
Ask for signs and signals along the way, ask for comfort, and ask for help to celebrate the
joyful times and experiences as you travel your life’s pathways.
That’s important too and helps us to grow our gratitude bank. Anayah xx
#angellight777 #AngelHeartRadio #theangelcodejourney
The Way Forward
Sometimes, the biggest hurdle is feeling or believing that we should have the answers, when the truth is, we don’t. The angels are such a gentle, kind, loving support for those of us who feel this way, for those of us who feel overly responsible for everyone, and everything, they can help you
release guilt, & dissolve the many cords, roots and webs that go along with it all.
#angellight777 #AngelHeartRadio #theangelcodejourney
Your True Worth & Value
The angels rejoice in each of us, and it is their joy to help us learn to truly see and appreciate ourselves for the unique, sparkling, radiant, Loving Light we actually are in Truth.
I know it's a big journey,but the angels are with you every step of the way.
#angellight777 #AngelHeartRadio #theangelcodejourney
Ready to Love Again
Feeling ready to love again can be easier said than done.
The angels share this simple prayer as a powerful way forward, & to help you release the past,
& move forward with greater freedom. This may happen in layers, so be patient and affirm this prayer often.
#angellight777 #AngelHeartRadio #theangelcodejourney
Letting Go of Hurt & Pain
t’s not always easy, to let go of hurt and pain, but it is essential for our greater good.
The angels know every single aspect of us, they love us unconditionally and are our greatest cheer squad.
Lean into the angels love & ask for their guidance.
If your courage is running low, ask Archangel Michael to help you boost it,
& watch as what seems impossible now, becomes easier, step by step.
#angellight777 #AngelHeartRadio #theangelcodejourney
Healing Light
Archangel Raphael is always available to help you, no matter what it is you may be facing,
feeling or afraid of. Here is a beautiful guided experience called
'Cellular Radiance', with Raphael & Uriel to assist & support you.
#angellight777 #AngelHeartRadio #theangelcodejourney
Letting Go of The Past
Letting go of relationships, situations, events, actions, words spoken or unspoken, & expectations. Working with the angels of Release, Compassion & Forgiveness (often, forgiving ourselves) to move forward, and letting go of the past makes it easier and clearer. Thank you angels
#angellight777 #AngelHeartRadio #theangelcodejourney
More "Dear Angels" are coming...
Maybe it's time for you to write your own "Dear Angels" notes?
#angellight777 #AngelHeartRadio #theangelcodejourney

Amy - USA
"The Angel Code: Journey Into the Words Whispered to Me has become a favourite window seat read, a place to return when I feel a little lost, a little disconnected, a little in need of wisdom and a dose of joy."

Bel - AU
"I have been using The Angel Code, Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me like oracle cards, and opening to where I feel drawn. It’s beautiful!"

Vicki - AU
"The Angel Code Journey is a timeless treasure! t’s something that can be picked up and turned to any page at any given time and deliver results from the angels"

Bel -UK
"This book is just awesomely amazing. The angels are truly truly here now to help and guide us through these times, towards a world of love, peace and ultimate togetherness as human beings. Of that I have no doubt."

*representative picture
Shelia - USA
"An uplifting book filled with the wisdom and love of the angelic realm.
I can feel the high vibrations of love and patience our dear guardian angels have for us. Thank you Anayah, It is much needed at this time"